Purchase Requisition Form / Direct Payment Voucher
Used to request the purchase of goods or services from a vendor and generates a Purchase Order with that vendor. The Direct Payment Voucher is used to make payment for goods or services that have already been received and when a Purchase Order is not required.
Single/Sole Source Justification Form
When a purchase made with federal funds exceeds $10,000 or $50,000 with non-federal funds and a sole source or single source vendor is utilized, the Principal Investigator must complete this form to certify the conditions by which the procurement meets the criteria to forgo the bidding process.
Used to request a partial or final payment applied toward an existing Purchase Order.
Complete when requesting changes to an unpaid purchase order.
Complete when requesting the transfer of a non-salary related payment from one account/category to another.
RF Tax Exemption Certificates
New York State Tax Exempt Form
The Research Foundation for SUNY is also tax exempt in the following states: Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas. Contact AP/PO (Sherrie Manka or LaTisha Robinson) for a copy.
Independent Contractor Services
(Download this PDF file and open it in Adobe Reader. Do not open the file within Google Chrome, as a known software bug in the Chrome PDF Plugin causes incorrect calculations.) This form serves to document the correct classification of the individual as either an employee or an independent contractor per IRS guidelines.
Used to pay a non-campus and non-Research Foundation individual or a company for independent contracting work.
Used to pay an individual for participation in non-academic training of a project that they did not lead or facilitate. This form cannot be utilized to pay any Buffalo State employee (State or RF).
Used in certain instances to procure services from a contractor through a subaward; contact the RF Purchasing Services Office for details when using this form.
Direct Deposit
Submit completed form to mankasl@buffalostate.edu