Grants and contracts are made to institutions rather than to individuals; thus, it is the responsibility of the Research Foundation for SUNY/Buffalo State to ensure that all research conducted under its auspices is carried out in such a manner that the rights and welfare of human and animal subjects, society, the environment, and researchers are protected and that research activities are in compliance with all applicable State and Federal regulations. The policies and procedures adopted by the Research Foundation for SUNY/Buffalo State to ensure research safety and compliance are designed to meet the above objectives. Activities defined as "under the auspices of the university” include activities conducted as part of university employment, as part of course credit or fulfillment of a degree requirement, activities involving the use of university resources, or involving publication that credits university affiliation.

Research Requiring Compliance Review

Regulation and safety policies apply to many different categories of research and include research conducted with or without external sponsorship.  Since regulations and standards change frequently and university policy requires review of some activities that an investigator may not consider requiring review, it is recommended that researchers contact the Sponsored Programs Office before initiating any research project.

  • For research involving the use of human subjects, investigators should contact Gina Game, IRB Administrator.
  • For research involving the use of animal subjects, investigators should contact Jean DiPirro, IACUC Chair.
  • For research involving controlled substances or hazardous materials, investigators should contact Jeffrey Hammer, Senior Director, Environmental Health and Safety.
  • For information involving Technology Transfer, please contact Jessica Berg, Director.
  • For information involving Export Controls, please contact Gina Game, Research Compliance Manager.